Can I use a web browser to access our mainframe apps?
Yes you can. |
Can I send my VTAM print to spool or to ip printers?
Yes you can. |
Can I retain the same look and feel as with our current session manager?
Yes you can. |
But it must be a tremendous effort to convert to InterSession!
No it isn't. There are easy-to-use conversion tools. |
Our 3270 session manager feels outdated!
InterSession includes modern features, like web interface, TN3270 server/client, ip print and sysplex support. |
We pay too much for our session manager!
We will give you a better deal. |
Our session manager is a CPU hog!
CPU consumption is the only lightweight feature of InterSession. |
The administrators are frustrated!
InterSession is easy to administer and can get all user information from RACF/ACF2/TSS.. |